표현이 사랑이다-후기

2018-11-19 11:45:19
지난 토요일(11/17), 큰 기대없이 오랜만에 아버지센터에서 개최하는

특강을 참관하였다. 오후 2시부터 3시간동안 강의를 한다고 하는데,

아무리 명강사라도 오후 식곤증때문에 많이 졸겠구나 생각하고

강의실로 들어갔다. 예상대로 강의시작부터 강사는 조곤조곤 말씀을

이어가지 시작했는데, 처음부터 강의가 끝날때까지 큰 목소리 한번없이

주제와 내용과 개인의 경험과 사례를 강의하셨다.

나도 간혹 학교에서 3시간짜리 강의를 하고 있지만, 대학원생을 제외하고

재학생들을 3시간동안 집중시키는 것은 거의 불가능하다고 생각하고 있다.

결론부터 얘기하면 나는 단 한번도 졸지도 않고 3시간 강의를 매우 인상깊게

경청하였으며, 필요한 부분들은 나누어진 유인물 뒷장에 적어두기까지 하였다.

가장 인상 깊었던 2가지 내용은, \'결혼생활을 불행하게 만드는 완벽한

기술-상대방에게 문제의 원인이 있다고 생각하는 것\'과 \'상대를 만족시키기

위한 기대치 위반 이론(Expectancy Violance Theory)\'이었다.

이것 2가지만 생활속에서 실천해도 정말 사랑받는 남편과 아빠가 될 수

있겠다는 생각을 했다. 지난 토요일은 웬지 많은 것을 얻은 풍족한 주말

인 것 같아서 행복했다.행복한 주말과 미래생활지침을 주신 이민규교수님에게

깊은 감사를 드립니다.


  • tulnese

    2022.04.17 21:23

    https://bestadalafil.com/ - Cialis Jwetqv Causes QuIcK HIT Evaluation of urinary tract obstruction Duration of symptoms UTIs history of nephrolithi asis history of surgery Suprapubic mass distended bladder flank mass hydronephrosis Features of CKD a. These stones are usually visible on transrectal ultrasonograms. Wezloq buy cialis online with a prescription https://bestadalafil.com/ - Cialis For chronic or recurrent urticaria important considerations include previous causative factors and the effectiveness of various treatments as follows Precipitants such as heat cold pressure exercise sunlight emotional stress or chronic medical conditions Other medical conditions that can cause pruritus usually without rash such as diabetes mellitus chronic renal insufficiency primary biliary cirrhosis or other nonurticarial dermatologic disorders Family and personal medical history of angioedema Characteristics of angioedema include vasodilation and exudation of plasma into deeper tissues than with simple urticaria swelling that is generally nonpitting and nonpruritic and usually occurs on the mucosal surfaces of the respiratory and GI tracts and hoarseness For acute urticaria the main consideration involves possible precipitants such as the following Recent illness Medication use IV radiocontrast media Travel Foods New perfumes hair dyes detergents lotions creams or clothes Exposure to new pets dander dust mold chemicals or plants Pregnancy usually occurs in last trimester and typically resolves spontaneously soon after delivery Contact with nickel rubber latex industrial chemicals and nail polish Sun or cold exposure Exercise Physically urticaria is characterized by the following Blanching raised palpable wheals which can be linear annular circular or arcuate serpiginous can occur on any skin area are usually transient and migratory and may coalesce rapidly to form large areas of erythematous raised lesions that blanch with pressure Dermographism urticarial lesions resulting from light scratching The physical examination should focus on conditions that might precipitate urticaria or could be potentially lifethreatening including the following Angioedema of the lips tongue or larynx Individual urticarial lesions that are painful longlasting or ecchymotic or that leave residual hyperpigmentation or ecchymosis upon resolution Systemic signs or symptoms Scleral icterus hepatic enlargement or tenderness Thyromegaly Pneumonia or bronchospasm asthma Cutaneous evidence of bacterial or fungal infection See Clinical Presentation for more detail. Bjguix